The official Building Polygons of Germany (HU-DE)

About 58 million HU-DE are a product of the real estate cadastre as are the official House Coordinates (HK-DE). They describe geo-referenced footprints of buildings and are usually based on an individual on-site survey. The regional cadastre authorities cater for a continuous update of the entire database – in inner-city areas as well as in rural areas. For licencees this means guaranteed and long-term investment security with maximum quality.

The "Central Office House Coordinates and Building Polygons" (ZSHH), set up at the Agency for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying in Bavaria, merges and provides the HU-DE of the Surveying Administrations of the Laender with standardized fee and license models. ZSHH currently provides an updated HU-DE database once a year.

  • The HU-DE document their individual added value e. g. in the following areas:
  • Visual appreciation of road maps for internal company use, in Internet services or mobile applications
  • Data basis for 3D city models
  • Detached house representation, especially for large map scales, alternatively also in combination with the official House Coordinates
  • Reference data for professional geographic information systems - e.g. for calculating the floor area of buildings or sealed surfaces

Customers include companies from the navigation sector, the telecommunications and geo marketing segment as well as utilities, network operators and companies in the real estate sector and, in addition, a wide variety of users from public administration, science, research and education.

  • Contents of the HU-DE:
  • The polygons of the Shape files do not contain any design geometries, roofs, or underground buildings.
  • The HU objects have three mandatory attributes:
    • "AGS" (Amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel – official Municipality Key)
    • „OI“ (Objektidentifikator – objectidentifier)
    • „GFK“ (Gebäudefunktionskennung – building function).
  • Information about building age or its owner are not included.
  • The coordinates are issued by default in the spatial reference system ETRS89 / UTM.

All essential information at a glance:

Number of HU-DE about 58 million nationwide                                                            
Data format shape
Updates quarterly
Reference system ETRS89/UTM Zone 32 or 33
Delivery units nationwide

A data format description can be found here.

Terms of purchase

Bavarian Agency for Digitisation, High-Speed Internet and Surveying
Tel.: +49 (0)89 2129-1299

©2025 Working Committee of the Surveying Authorities of the Laender of the Federal Republic of Germany