PCC-Kongress 2020 Deutschland
Deutschland hatte in der zweiten Jahreshälfte 2020 die EU-Ratspräsidentschaft inne. Daher richtete die AdV am 3. und 4. November 2020 den halbjährlichen Kongress und die Generalversammlung des "Permanent Committee on Cadastre in the European Union" (PCC) aus - wegen der Corona-Pandemie als Videokonferenz. Der Kongress behandelte das Thema "Smart Cadastre - shaping the future". Die gezeigten Präsentationen finden Sie nachfolgend.
Hier die Agenda.
Klicken Sie auf das Dateisymbol um die entsprechende Datei herunterzuladen.
Datum | Datei | Status | Type | Größe |
03.11.2020 | 00 PCC_story board_final Conference and Plenary Meeting of the Permanent Comittee on Cadastre in the European Union (PCC) | Final |  | 3,8 MB |
03.11.2020 | 01 Welcome speech AdV-Chair to PCC November 2020 “Smart Cadastre – shaping the future” | Final |  | 0,3 MB |
03.11.2020 | 02 Stockwald - Bavarian_Cadastre.pdf “220 Years at the Cutting Edge of Technology - The Bavarian Cadastre” | Final |  | 2,7 MB |
03.11.2020 | 03 Degel - The SDGs and the German Cadastre-final.pdf “The SDGs and the German Real Estate Cadastre” | Final |  | 2,7 MB |
03.11.2020 | 04 Seifert - AAA_Future_Trends_in_the_Cadastre.pdf “AAA - Future Trends in the Cadastre” | Final |  | 8,0 MB |
03.11.2020 | 05a Wilsch - Land Registration and SDGs “Land Registration and SDGs” | Final |  | 1,6 MB |
03.11.2020 | 05b Wilsch - Land Registration and SDGs “Land registration and SDGs” | Final |  | 0,5 MB |
03.11.2020 | 06 Ernst - Legal Security of the Cadastre supporting Sustainability “Legal Security of the Cadastre supporting Sustainability” | Final |  | 1,7 MB |
03.11.2020 | 07 Scott - Cadastres and Land Registries Shaping the SDGs “Cadastresand Land Registries: Shaping the SDGs” | Final |  | 6,5 MB |
03.11.2020 | 08a Steudler-QuestionnaireResults “Results of the Questionnaire on SDGs in Relation to Cadastral Systems” | Final |  | 1,5 MB |
03.11.2020 | 08b Steudler-QuestionnaireResults - report “Questionnaire on «Sustainable Development Goals» (SDGs)” | Final |  | 1,1 MB |
03.11.2020 | 09 Moerkerke - fight poverty “Land Registration an instrument for Fighting Poverty” | Final |  | 0,6 MB |
03.11.2020 | 10 Andersson Blom - Nationell geodatastrategi 2021-2025 “The New Geodatastrategy and the SDGs” | Final |  | 2,1 MB |
03.11.2020 | 11 Halme - SDGs relation to NMCAs “SDGS Revisited - It is not always obvious but there is a Connection to what an NMCA does” | Final |  | 0,6 MB |
03.11.2020 | 12 Zelic - EU Strategy for Data - Where Cadastral Data Fit In “European Strategy for Data - Where Cadastral Data Fit In” | Final |  | 0,7 MB |
03.11.2020 | 13 Velasco - Cadastral Index Map “Cadastral Indey Map” | Final |  | 2,3 MB |
03.11.2020 | 14 Salzmann - How valuable are HVD's for People, Planet and Profit “How valuable are large scale High Value Datasets for People, Profit and Planet?” | Final |  | 2,8 MB |
03.11.2020 | 15 Surma - Quality Education through Easy and Open Access to GI “Quality Education through Easy and Open Access to Spatial Data incl. Cadastral Data” | Final |  | 5,3 MB |
03.11.2020 | 16 Gherghe - Romanian Land Registry “Romanian Land Registry Digitalisation, Progress, Usefulness” | Final |  | 5,7 MB |
03.11.2020 | 17 Invitation to Portugal PCC May 2021 | Final |  | 5,8 MB |